Building Live Loads

Minimum Uniformly Distributed Live Loads

Reference: Table 3.2.2. of the Myanmar National Building Code

Specific Use Building live loads (in p/sqf) Building live loads (in KN/m²)
1 Apartments (see residential) - -
2 Access floor systems
2.1 Office use 50 2.39
2.2 Computer use 100 4.79
3 Armories and drill rooms 150 7.18
4 Assembly areas and theaters
4.1 Fixed seats (fastened to floor) 60 2.87
4.2 Follow spot, projections and control rooms 50 2.39
4.3 Lobbies 100 4.79
4.4 Movable seats 100 4.79
4.5 Stages and platforms 125 5.99
5 Bowling alleys 75 3.59
6 Catwalks 40 1.92
7 Dance halls and ballrooms 100 4.79
8 Dining rooms and restaurants 100 4.79
9 Dwellings (see residential) - -
10 Garages (passenger vehicles only) Trucks and buses 40 1.92
11 Grandstands (see stadium and arena bleachers) - -
12 Gymnasiums, main floors and balconies 100 4.79
13 Hospitals
13.1 Corridors above first floor 80 3.83
13.2 Operating rooms, laboratories 60 2.87
13.3 Patient rooms 40 1.92
14 Hotels (see residential) - -
15 Libraries
15.1 Reading rooms 60 2.87
15.2 Stack rooms 150 7.18
16 Manufacturing
16.1 Heavy 250 11.97
16.2 Light 125 5.99
17 Marquees 75 3.59
18 Office buildings
18.1 Corridors above first floor 80 3.83
18.2 Anticipated occupancy Lobbies - -
18.3 First floor corridors 100 4.79
18.4 Offices 50 2.39
19 Penal Institutions
19.1 Cell blocks 40 1.92
19.2 Corridors 100 4.79
20 Residential
20.1 One- and two-family dwellings
20.2 Uninhabitable attics without storage 20 0.96
20.3 Uninhabitable attics with limited storage 30 1.44
20.4 Habitable attics and sleeping areas 40 1.92
20.5 All other areas except balconies and decks 40 1.92
20.6 Hotels and multiple-family dwellings 40 1.92
21 Roofs
21.1 All roof surfaces subject to maintenance workers 5 0.24
21.2 Roofs used for promenade purposes 60 2.87
21.3 Roofs used for roof gardens or assembly purposes 100 4.79
22 Schools
22.1 Classrooms 40 1.92
23 Sidewalks, vehicular driveways and yards, subject to trucking 250 11.97
24 Skating rinks 100 4.79
25 Stadiums and arenas
25.1 Bleachers 100 4.79
25.2 Fixed seats (fastened to floor) 60 2.87
26 Storage warehouses (shall be designed for heavier loads if required for anticipated storage)
26.1 Heavy 250 11.97
26.2 Light 125 5.99
27 Stores
27.1 Retail 100 4.79
27.2 First floor 75 3.59
27.3 Upper floors, Wholesale, all floors 125 5.99